Fall Fashion | Outfit #4

This will be my last post for my Fall Fashion Series sadly, but if I get enough interest maybe I will do more, because I have had so much fun writing and putting together these posts 🙂

As the days are getting colder which I am not a fan, I just can’t wait for the fall colours to come, of course the Pumpkin Spice Lattes and pumpkin candles (but I would be very happy if my “fall” cold would go away 😦 ) This outfit is so comfortable and the perfect mix between dressy and causal. Where I live I probably won’t be able to wear this outfit for much longer but you can add a cute pair of tights so you could wear it the whole fall season!


“T-Shirt” dresses are probably one of my new favourite clothing items, its like wearing a big comfy shirt but being able to get away with it in public and not get judged 😉

Dress: Forever 21



Flats: Forever 21

Can you tell I Like forever 21 🙂


For my hair I just went with simple quick messy bun, one of my go to hair styles for when Im in a rush or for second day hair. But I have to say for being “simple” messy buns usually take me a long time and many tries.

Tutorial by Hairstylesbygabby


Scarf: Forever 21



Thanks for reading!

Please let me know what you thought of my Fall Fashion Series in the comments section, if you would like to show your support and want more fashion posts please share this post with your friends and hit the like button!

Fall Fashion | Outfit #3

For my third outfit in my Fall Fashion series I went with a causal traditional fall outfit, it wouldn’t be fall without plaid so I had to include a plaid flannel 🙂


So first I want to say I did this braid in the car with no mirror so don’t judge its messiness

Side braids and four strands are my favourite hairstyles, so when you mix them together its the perfect combo 😉


Being a highland dancer who wears plaid way to much, when I saw this shirt I feel in love with it! I also paired it with a plaid flannel, because its the perfect match 😉 I also added a gold arrow shape necklace, which I like to wear when I have a V neck shirt.

Shirt: Sweet Ts Design

If you use the code “GABBY15” at checkout you can get 15% off your purchase!!

Necklace: Forever 21

Plaid Flannel: Borrowed from a friend 😉


So I am not a fan of jeans so that fact that I’m wearing them is very rare and you probably won’t see it too often, but I do think they go well with this outfit 🙂

Jeans: Urban Planet

Shoes: American Eagle


Thanks for reading!

Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for my last Fall Fashion outfit 🙂

Fall Fashion | Outfit #2

For my second outfit in my Fall Fashion Series I went for something that I didn’t think I would ever like, but I have totally changed my mind and I think I will be wearing this style of outfit a lot this fall season!

I have been seeing a lot of big floppy hats this season and in the summer, so when I went back to school shopping I knew I just had to get this one, and I’m so glad I did! For my hair I also went a little out of my comfort zone, I’m not usually a fan of “pigtails” but I did a fishtail, three strand braid mix which I thought turned out super cute. And of course it wouldn’t be a fall outfit without brown tall boots, knee socks and a fall dress 😉 oh and don’t forget a cute leaf necklace from Forever 21!


Dress: Bluenotes


Okay so I might have been having way to much fun turning in this dress (and with my braids I felt like I was 5 again, but you know thats okay haha 🙂 )


Since I’m short I have a hard time finding boots that aren’t to tall that make me look even shorter, but I think these ones are the perfect height

Brown Boots: Aldo ( sadly they are from last year and are no longer available, but they have similar ones!)

Cream Knee Socks: Garage


I first got this necklace last year in silver and wore it to much, and when I went shopping this year and saw it in gold, I knew I had to get it!

Necklace: Forever 21


Hat: Bluenotes


For my hair like I said above I did mixed braids which is another look I have been seeing all over Instagram. I started with a three strand braid, then into a fishtail and then back to a three strand braid. I also used the CGH Perfect Pigtails method to add volume to my hair but you can’t see it 🙂

Thanks For Reading! 🙂


Fall Fashion | Outfit #1

This week I will be sharing my four favourite fall outfits, along with outfit details, easy hairstyles that are great for early school morings, and even some coupon codes!

My first outfit is casual, comfy (which I’m all for, especially on schools mornings!) but still cute.

I decided to wear a pair of black leggings from Lululemon (I basically live in leggings), a burgundy slouchy Tee from Sweet Ts Design, a green army jacket from Urban Planet and lastly I paired this outfit with some short light brown boots from Forever 21


Green Army Jacket


Sweet Ts Design Shirt

I have to say that this shirt is so incredibly soft and comfortable, I didn’t want to take it off! I even have a coupon code for you guys so we could be T-Shirt twins 😀 If you use the code “GABBY15” at checkout you will receive 15% off your purchase!!

Lululemon Leggings

Black Bandeau


Forever 21 Boots


For my hair I did the side version of the CGH Mermaid Heart Braid, I thought it went perfectly with the Tee Shirt and its an easy and cute way to spice your hair while its down

Links to where I got the clothes from are in pink or blue 🙂