Oh Deer it’s Halloween Time Again 

Happy Halloween! 

I’m sharing with you today my Halloween costume from this year that I made. 

Shoutout to Pinterest for the help 😉

We will start with the antlers. First I got a headband from the dollar store, along with brown and white felt for the ears. The antlers are Christmas decorations from Micheals that where originally attached to stakes, that I took off and hot glued to the headband. As for the flowers, I bought two flower crowns from Micheals and cut them up and also hot glued them to the headband. (I managed to only get one really bad burn from the hot glue gun 😂)

Now for the makeup! First off I’m totally not a makeup artist but I tried my best. Another shoutout to Pinterest for the makeup ideas! It’s pretty self explanatory, but for my eyes I just added some brown eyeshadow, winged liner and some fake lashes from Mac. I also extended the top liner to form a point at my tear ducts and added some white eyeliner and some mascara to my bottom lashes. For my nose I used my liquid eyeliner again. I added some very heavy dark contour to my nose, forehead and cheeks to enhance the deer look. And to top it off I added some small spots with more white eyeliner! 

For my dress it was impossible to find a brown one! I had a grey Forever 21 dress that I didn’t wear much anymore and I got some fabric dye, dyed it brown and I added a white tummy, spots and a tail. I then paired it with some brown tights and boots. 

I hope you all have a wonderful Halloween and get lots of candy and treats! 

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